Monday, November 1, 2010

Birthday party

Okay, Halloween is over. So...I changed the theme of the blog hope you guys like it :)

erm... you all know. that my birthday is on 28th of December. I wanna hold a party but a lot of people are going to travel. so I "ti zhao" celebrate ;D I'm going to have a Birthday+Farewell party on 19th of November. And 19th of November is the last the day of school and its also the "bi ye dian li". After school, everyone is going to my house to have party! VERY EXCITED!!!!

About the "bi ye dian li", every time I think about it. my heart feel uncomfortable. I really seldom feel like that. Its because I'm going to leave my friends and time for secondary school :'( I even want to cry sometimes :/

Yesterday, 许友彬 and 邓秀茵 came to my school! if you read before one of my post, you'll know that I'm a big fan of them! I bought a book ---- 再见,小天使. My friends and I wanted to let them 签名on our book. Actually, they we're suppose to 签名 at the hall but they went to have breakfast or lunch. So my friends and I went into a aircon room, 许友彬 called us to come in when he saw us. when we're halfway in the room, a teacher suddenly scold us and don't let us go in. =.= wth! damn angry the teacher! Its like your Idol is in front of you and just because of a teacher, you can't get to take their 签名. and she still gets to eat with 许友彬 and 邓秀茵. Life is just not fair!

Okay that's enough for today. cya. :)

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