Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Seems like the days to UPSR is getting closer and closer. I never knew it will come so fast. It was like a short time. After UPSR, I'm going to have a lot of fun with my friends but the time we leave each other is also going closer. Wonder when will the time stop. If the time stop, there will be many things waiting for me to do, awesome, funny, good, nice, who knows? But we know that time will never stop, they will just get on and on...

can't set my hopes too high, because every hello ends with a goodbye. :)



remember i said that my school's comp "cacat" already? finally i know my result now! i took 6 in class and 17 in the whole school :P

so happy man! from 27, now 17! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY !!!!

cya cya! xoxo

Saturday, June 26, 2010


these days got so many hw to do but i just don't have the feeling to do seems like ntg to do but actually got many many many hw waiting for me =.=

ntg to say boring =( haiz.

Friday, June 25, 2010

trail exam + 1st exam

我得到班上第6名, 全级第14名!!!!

但是由于学校的电脑坏了, 我的排名是有加上书写,公民等等。所以我还是要等到家长回校日当天才可以知道我正确的排名。。。haiz <='(


Thursday, June 10, 2010


my BFFZ: 1)Christy
2)Huei Ching
3)Sue En

Thursday, June 3, 2010

trial exam 1

yayayayayaya!!! i get 98.5 in maths! In pemahaman, i get 75 marks, i jing bu 5 marks! english paper 1, i only wrong 1 question, i beat harold and benen! so happy ;D